Create a Customer Widget
Customers or their vendor partners may use the following steps to create a collateral widget and have it featured with other third party applications within Sageworks.
Use Authentication mentioned in that specified page
High-Level Walkthrough
Use the list of endpoints available via the Sageworks API to:
- Generate any necessary user-defined fields
- Define the name for the customer widget tab
- Define which fields are required to submit an order
- Define which fields are populated when an order is complete
- Generate the widget
Determine the Entity type
Customer widgets are separated by entity type (individual, business, etc.). Both fields and widgets must align by the type, so if the order must process on multiple types, then a widget must be created for each respective type.
Verify which relevant fields exist in Sageworks
The benefit of natural Sageworks fields is when the user populates them in other areas of the customer page, they will be pre-populated on the widget order form. GET/v1/customer-widgets/available-fields
can be leveraged to see all existing fields on the customer record. The example below is a request for business specific fields.
"fields": [
"fieldName": "Address 1"
"fieldName": "Address 2"
"fieldName": "Affected by COVID-19"
"fieldName": "Alternate Email"
"fieldName": "Alternate Phone"
"fieldName": "An owner was convicted or guilty in last 5 years?"
"fieldName": "Ansonia Credit Rating"
"fieldName": "Ansonia Risk Score"
"fieldName": "Any business owner is a criminal?"
"fieldName": "Applicant Has Affiliates"
"fieldName": "Applicant has previously defaulted "
"fieldName": "Applicant Size Standard"
"fieldName": "Are Products Available to the General Public"
"fieldName": "Average CDs"
"fieldName": "Average Checking"
"fieldName": "Average Initial Investment"
"fieldName": "Average Savings"
"fieldName": "Average Unit Revenue Growth"
"fieldName": "Bankruptcies"
"fieldName": "Barriers to Entry"
"fieldName": "Barriers to Entry Description"
"fieldName": "Branch"
"fieldName": "Business Age"
"fieldName": "Business Credit Score"
"fieldName": "Business Exit Rates"
"fieldName": "Business Exit Rates Description"
"fieldName": "Business Name"
"fieldName": "Business Order Form Status"
"fieldName": "Business Registered"
"fieldName": "Business Type"
"fieldName": "BusinessIsEligible"
"fieldName": "CDs Balance"
"fieldName": "Charge Offs"
"fieldName": "Checking Balance"
"fieldName": "City"
"fieldName": "City HQ"
"fieldName": "Collections"
"fieldName": "Comments"
"fieldName": "Comments for Addendum A"
"fieldName": "Comments for Addendum B"
"fieldName": "Comments to explain entity ownership capacity"
"fieldName": "Comments to explain entity ownership capacity"
"fieldName": "Company Owned Units"
"fieldName": "Compounded Annual Unit Growth Rate"
"fieldName": "Compounded Unit Success Rate"
"fieldName": "Contact First Name"
"fieldName": "Contact Last Name"
"fieldName": "Country"
"fieldName": "CR (Prior Year)"
"fieldName": "CR (Two Years Prior)"
"fieldName": "Credit Logic Score"
"fieldName": "Current Employer Start Date"
"fieldName": "Current Residence Move In Date"
"fieldName": "Current Residence Status"
"fieldName": "Current Residence Tenure Less < 2 Years"
"fieldName": "Customer Number"
"fieldName": "Customer Status"
"fieldName": "Cyclical Sensitivity"
"fieldName": "Cyclical Sensitivity Description"
"fieldName": "D&B DBT"
"fieldName": "D&B PAYDEX"
"fieldName": "D&B Supplier Viability Rating"
"fieldName": "Data Depth Score"
"fieldName": "Date Business Established"
"fieldName": "Date Current Management Established"
"fieldName": "Date Current Ownership Established"
"fieldName": "DBA"
"fieldName": "Department"
"fieldName": "Derives Revenue From Gambling/Packaging/Sex"
"fieldName": "Description"
"fieldName": "Did Financing Ever Default?"
"fieldName": "DNB Number"
"fieldName": "DNB Score"
"fieldName": "Do businesses have common management? If yes, include addendum A"
"fieldName": "Do businesses have common management? If yes, include addendum A"
"fieldName": "Do you plan to use a 401(K) Plan (including a Rollover for Business Start Up (ROBS) Plan) for equity?"
"fieldName": "Does the applicant meet the number of employee limitations set forth by the SBA?"
"fieldName": "DR (Prior Year)"
"fieldName": "DR (Two Years Prior)"
"fieldName": "DUNS Number"
"fieldName": "Eligible Passive Company or Operating Company"
"fieldName": "Email"
"fieldName": "Entity Type"
"fieldName": "Entry Method"
"fieldName": "Equifax Bankruptcies"
"fieldName": "Equifax Count of Trades"
"fieldName": "Equifax Date Pulled"
"fieldName": "Equifax DBT"
"fieldName": "Equifax Oldest Trade Date"
"fieldName": "Equifax Recent Credit Inquiries"
"fieldName": "Equifax Total Chargeoffs"
"fieldName": "Equifax Total Delinquencies"
"fieldName": "Equifax Total Outstanding Balance"
"fieldName": "Estimated Total Export Sales Supported By Loan"
"fieldName": "Example Field11123"
"fieldName": "Experian BIN Number"
"fieldName": "Experian DBT"
"fieldName": "External Risk"
"fieldName": "External Risk Description"
"fieldName": "Fax"
"fieldName": "Financial Statement Strength"
"fieldName": "Financial Summary"
"fieldName": "Financial Summary Description"
"fieldName": "For EWCP loans, provide details of the underlying transaction(s) for which the loan is needed, countries where the buyers are located and a description of products and/or services to be exported."
"fieldName": "Forced to Close Due to COVID-19"
"fieldName": "Franchise Agreement Assessment"
"fieldName": "Franchise Code"
"fieldName": "Franchise Data Financial Period"
"fieldName": "Franchise Data Import Date"
"fieldName": "Franchise Name"
"fieldName": "Franchise Start Date"
"fieldName": "Franchised Units"
"fieldName": "Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship"
"fieldName": "Has Business received SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan if yes, include addendum B"
"fieldName": "Has Filed For Bankruptcy Protection"
"fieldName": "Has Obtained Loan From SBA"
"fieldName": "Have you been in business since June 30, 2019?"
"fieldName": "Historical Success Rate"
"fieldName": "IC (Prior Year)"
"fieldName": "IC (Two Years Prior)"
"fieldName": "In the previous fiscal year, did your businesses revenue exceed $5 Million?"
"fieldName": "Industry Code"
"fieldName": "Industry Outlook"
"fieldName": "Industry Outlook Description"
"fieldName": "Industry Risk Rating"
"fieldName": "Industry Risk Rating Description"
"fieldName": "Intends To Use Loan Prep Assistant"
"fieldName": "Is Any Financing Currently Delinquent"
"fieldName": "Is Business Excluded by Feds?"
"fieldName": "Is entity ownership capacity 401(k)?"
"fieldName": "Is entity ownership capacity Co-Op?"
"fieldName": "Is entity ownership capacity ESOP?"
"fieldName": "Is entity ownership capacity other?"
"fieldName": "Is Presently Involved In Legal Action"
"fieldName": "Is Suspended Or Excluded From Participation"
"fieldName": "Is the Applicant a franchise that is listed in the SBA's Franchise Directory"
"fieldName": "Is the Applicant or any Associate currently delinquent or have ever defaulted "
"fieldName": "Is the Applicant or any Associate presently incarcerated, on probation, on parole"
"fieldName": "Is the business a NP, Vet, etc?"
"fieldName": "Is the business seasonal?"
"fieldName": "Is this business a non-profit?"
"fieldName": "Is this business a Vet Org"
"fieldName": "Is this business Ind. Cont.?"
"fieldName": "Is this Business Self Employed?"
"fieldName": "Is this business Tribal?"
"fieldName": "Is your business a Franchise corporation?"
"fieldName": "Joint Intent"
"fieldName": "Joint Intent Initials"
"fieldName": "Judgements"
"fieldName": "Last Report Run"
"fieldName": "Legal Name"
"fieldName": "License Number"
"fieldName": "Liens"
"fieldName": "Limited Liability Management Type"
"fieldName": "List all such businesses (including their TINs), percentage of ownership, and describe the relationship"
"fieldName": "List of principal countries of export (separate with commas)"
"fieldName": "Loan Administrator"
"fieldName": "Loan has caused loss to government and is in default"
"fieldName": "Loan Officer"
"fieldName": "Mailing Address 1"
"fieldName": "Mailing Address 2"
"fieldName": "Mailing Address Different"
"fieldName": "Mailing City"
"fieldName": "Mailing State"
"fieldName": "Mailing Zip Code"
"fieldName": "Management Experience/Stability"
"fieldName": "Master Score Date"
"fieldName": "Maximum Initial Investment"
"fieldName": "Minimum Initial Investment"
"fieldName": "Native-American Tribal-Owned Business"
"fieldName": "No Principals Are GS13+ Employees"
"fieldName": "No Principals Are SBAC or SCORE"
"fieldName": "No Principals Have Federal Legislative Judicial Connections"
"fieldName": "No Principals Have SBA Connections"
"fieldName": "No Recent Former SBA Employees"
"fieldName": "NSF Checks"
"fieldName": "Number of Employees"
"fieldName": "Number of locations? (If Franchise)"
"fieldName": "OFAC"
"fieldName": "Operates Under Franchise Agreement"
"fieldName": "Organization Type"
"fieldName": "Paynet Annual Sales"
"fieldName": "Paynet Annualized Scheduled Payments"
"fieldName": "Paynet Average Days Past Due"
"fieldName": "Paynet Average High Credit Per Lender"
"fieldName": "Paynet Average Term in Months"
"fieldName": "Paynet Bankruptcy Flag Public Filing"
"fieldName": "Paynet Bankruptcy Obligation Count"
"fieldName": "Paynet Current Balance Past Due 1 To 30 Days"
"fieldName": "Paynet Current Balance Past Due 31 To 60 Days"
"fieldName": "Paynet Current Balance Past Due 61 To 90 Days"
"fieldName": "Paynet Current Balance Past Due 90 Plus Days"
"fieldName": "Paynet Divergent Credit"
"fieldName": "Paynet High Credit Amount"
"fieldName": "Paynet Id"
"fieldName": "Paynet Major Derogatory"
"fieldName": "Paynet Major Derogatory Flag Including Public Filing"
"fieldName": "Paynet Master Score"
"fieldName": "Paynet Max Days Past Due"
"fieldName": "Paynet Minor Derogatory"
"fieldName": "Paynet Months in Business"
"fieldName": "Paynet Most Recent Bad Status Date"
"fieldName": "Paynet Most Recent Bankruptcy Date"
"fieldName": "Paynet Most Recent Loss Date"
"fieldName": "Paynet Most Recent Ninety Day Delinquency"
"fieldName": "Paynet Most Recent Ninety Plus Day Delinquency"
"fieldName": "Paynet Most Recent Obligation Date"
"fieldName": "Paynet Most Recent Repo Date"
"fieldName": "Paynet Most Recent Sixty Day Delinquency"
"fieldName": "Paynet Most Recent Thirty Day Delinquency"
"fieldName": "Paynet Ninety Day Past Due Amount"
"fieldName": "Paynet Ninety Day Past Due Occurences"
"fieldName": "Paynet Ninety Plus Day Past Due Amount"
"fieldName": "Paynet Ninety Plus Day Past Due Occurences"
"fieldName": "Paynet Obligations Repossessed in the last 12 months"
"fieldName": "Paynet Obligations Repossessed in the last 24 months"
"fieldName": "Paynet Obligations Repossessed in the last 6 months"
"fieldName": "Paynet Recent Average Days Past Due"
"fieldName": "Paynet Remaining Balance Past Due 1 To 30 Days"
"fieldName": "Paynet Remaining Balance Past Due 31 To 60 Days"
"fieldName": "Paynet Remaining Balance Past Due 61 To 90 Days"
"fieldName": "Paynet Remaining Balance Past Due 90 Plus Days"
"fieldName": "Paynet Scheduled Payments"
"fieldName": "Paynet SIC Code"
"fieldName": "Paynet Sixty Day Past Due Amount"
"fieldName": "Paynet Sixty Day Past Due Occurences"
"fieldName": "Paynet Sum of All Obligation Originations"
"fieldName": "Paynet Thirty Day Past Due Amount"
"fieldName": "Paynet Thirty Day Past Due Occurences"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Amount Loss"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Closed Obligations"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Inquiries Last 12 Months"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Inquiries Last 6 Months"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Judgment Amount Filed"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Lien Amount Filed"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Lien Amount Filed in the Last 12 Months"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Lien Amount Filed in the last 24 Months"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Lien Judgment Amount Filed"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Open Obligations"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Outstanding Receivable"
"fieldName": "Paynet Total Outstanding Receivable As a Percent of Original Receivables"
"fieldName": "Person widget Status"
"fieldName": "Person widget2 Status"
"fieldName": "Phone"
"fieldName": "Preferred Name"
"fieldName": "Pre-tax RoR (Prior Year)"
"fieldName": "Pre-tax RoR (Two Years Prior)"
"fieldName": "Primary Phone Type"
"fieldName": "Prior Address (1)"
"fieldName": "Prior Address (2)"
"fieldName": "Prior Employer (1)"
"fieldName": "Prior Employer (1) Years Employed"
"fieldName": "Prior Employer (2)"
"fieldName": "Prior Employer (2) Years Employed"
"fieldName": "Prior Residence (1) Status"
"fieldName": "Prior Residence (1) Tenure"
"fieldName": "Prior Residence (1) Tenure < 2 Years"
"fieldName": "Prior Residence (2) Status"
"fieldName": "Prior Residence (2) Tenure"
"fieldName": "Prior Residence (2) Tenure < 2 Years"
"fieldName": "Products Are Exported Or Planned To Become Exported"
"fieldName": "Professional LLC"
"fieldName": "Projected Unit Openings"
"fieldName": "Projected Unit Success"
"fieldName": "Prospect Screening"
"fieldName": "Recurring Revenue Self Sufficiency"
"fieldName": "Resale Activity Level"
"fieldName": "Return Date"
"fieldName": "Return Percent"
"fieldName": "Return Text"
"fieldName": "Return Yes/No"
"fieldName": "Savings Balance"
"fieldName": "SBA Code"
"fieldName": "SBSS Total Score"
"fieldName": "SBSS Total Score Date"
"fieldName": "State"
"fieldName": "State HQ"
"fieldName": "State of Formation"
"fieldName": "System Support and Expense Commitment"
"fieldName": "Tax ID"
"fieldName": "Test 1121 Status"
"fieldName": "Test282223"
"fieldName": "Test92623"
"fieldName": "The Entered Tax ID is an SSN"
"fieldName": "TLTNW (Prior Year)"
"fieldName": "TLTNW (Two Years Prior)"
"fieldName": "Total Fund Score"
"fieldName": "Under Formation"
"fieldName": "Unique Entity ID used in, if any"
"fieldName": "Unit Economics"
"fieldName": "US place of resident for all employees?"
"fieldName": "Website"
"fieldName": "Were you economically affected by COVID-19?"
"fieldName": "Were you operational before February 15th, 2020?"
"fieldName": "Will a Management Company be hired by the Applicant to manage the day-to-day operations? (If yes, provide a copy of the management agreement)"
"fieldName": "With Current Employer < 2 Years"
"fieldName": "With Prior Employer (1) < 2 Years"
"fieldName": "With Prior Employer (2) < 2 Years"
"fieldName": "Year began operations"
"fieldName": "Year Founded"
"fieldName": "Zip Code"
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "authorization: Bearer[token]"
Generate necessary user defined fields
Use POST /v1/customers/properties/add
to generate any additional user defined fields. These can be fields which are required for the order to complete, as well as fields which may be returned when the order is complete, such as a score or a rating.
"id": 0,
"name": "Return Date",
"dataFieldInputFormat": "Date"
Create the customer widget
POST /v1/customer-widgets
is used to generate the customer widget. Take note of the widget ID generated as it will be used for retrieving order information during usage. See example body and response below.
"id": 0,
"name": "Business Order Form",
"customerType": "business",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldName": "Address 1"
"fieldName": "City"
"fieldName": "State"
"fieldName": "Zip Code"
"nonRequiredFields": [
"fieldName": "Mailing Address 1"
"fieldName": "Mailing Address 2"
"fieldName": "Mailing Address Different"
"fieldName": "Mailing City"
"fieldName": "Mailing State"
"fieldName": "Mailing Zip Code"
"returnInformation": [
"fieldName": "Return Text"
"fieldName": "Return Date"
"fieldName": "Return Percent"
"fieldName": "Return Yes/No"
"statusUserDefinedFieldName": "string"
"id": 10,
"name": "Business Order Form",
"customerType": "business",
"requiredFields": [
"fieldName": "Address 1"
"fieldName": "City"
"fieldName": "State"
"fieldName": "Zip Code"
"nonRequiredFields": [
"fieldName": "Mailing Address 1"
"fieldName": "Mailing Address 2"
"fieldName": "Mailing Address Different"
"fieldName": "Mailing City"
"fieldName": "Mailing State"
"fieldName": "Mailing Zip Code"
"returnInformation": [
"fieldName": "Return Text"
"fieldName": "Return Date"
"fieldName": "Return Percent"
"fieldName": "Return Yes/No"
"statusUserDefinedFieldName": "Business Order Form Status"
Updated 11 months ago