Launch Online Portal Now

Single Sign in a borrower into their Financial Institution's Online Portal Now instance


Settings change required

It is important to note that the endpoints below are only available with the setting "EnableOPNAdminEndpoints" turned on. If you wish to leverage these please request that setting is turned on by your Abrigo representative.


  1. Obtain Bearer Token with valid API Client Credentials
  2. Sign up new borrower user on Online Portal
  3. Obtain Online Portal User Token for borrower user
  4. Launch Session

Obtain Bearer Token with valid API Client Credentials

  1. Make a POST request to with client_id, client_secret, and grant_type of client_credentials specified in the body
  2. Get the Bearer Token (access_token) from the response

Request Body

  "client_id": "[your-client-id]",  
  "client_secret": "[your-client-secret]",  
  "grant_type": "client_credentials"  

Response Body

  "access_token": "[your-bearer-token]",  
  "expires_in": 900,  
  "token_type": "Bearer"  

Sign up new borrower user on Online Portal

  • Use POST /v1/online-portal/admin/register-bypass-email-verification using the Bearer Token from the previous step to generate a new user. Utilize the proper subdomain for your institution's Online Portal Now instance and the relevant email, firstname and lastname for the user you are creating.
"subdomain": "appdemo",
"username": "[email protected]",
"firstName": "Developer",
"lastName": "Demo",

Obtain Online Portal User Token for user

  • Pass in the username created in previous step as well as the client_credentials bearer token to obtain an online portal user token GET /v1/online-portal/admin/token?username=[username].`
  • Sample Response:
    "token": "eab690ef-3c84-498a-9380-57dc5e33109f",
    "deviceVerified": true,
    "onlinePortalUserId": null,
    "newAccount": false

Start Online Portal Now session for your borrower user

  • Direct your online banking user to https://[subdomain][token]' to start the session. Simply insert the Online Portal User Token in the URL above to finalize the URL path.
  • Sample new Session URL from above steps: