Start Workflows
Start Workflows from external systems
- Select Customer for whom you are starting workflow
- Select Related Loans (optional)
- Select Related Deposits (optional)
- Select appropriate Workflow Template
- Start Workflow
Select customer
GET /v1/customers
is used to retrieve valid customer ids. You can target your API request to retrieve specific customers by adding in query parameters like name GET /v1/customers?name=Abrigo
or uniqueIdentifier GET /v1/customers?uniqueIdentifier=1233
Sample Response:
"id": 7456123,
"name": "Example, LLC",
"dba": "Example Doing Business As",
"userDefinedFields": {
"User Defined Field 1": "Value 1",
"User Defined Field 2": "Value 2"
"creditScore": 98,
"businessType": "llc",
"dnbScore": "567",
"addresses": [
"line1": "123 Main St",
"line2": "Suite 2078",
"city": "Example City",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": "00101",
"country": "US",
"addressType": "primary"
"phoneNumbers": [
"type": "primary",
"number": "(999)999-9999"
"type": "business",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"industryCode": "99999",
"isDeleted": false,
"uniqueIdentifier": "785654",
"taxId": "111111111",
"restricted": false,
"checkingBalance": 15000,
"savingsBalance": 100000,
"cDsBalance": 50000,
"averageChecking": 14500,
"averageSavings": 125000,
"averageCDs": 60000,
"numberOfYearsEmployed": 0,
"msa": 16980,
"stateCode": 12,
"countyCode": "123",
"tractCode": "3453",
"longitude": -87.656376,
"latitude": 41.94763,
"medianHouseholdIncome": 107250,
"metropolitanDivision": "Chicago-Naperville-Evanston, IL",
"metropolitanDivisionCode": "1234242",
"loanOfficerId": 438331,
"ficoSbssCreditScore": 450,
"ficoSbssCreditScoreDate": "2019-06-09",
"entryMethod": "operatingCompany",
"professionalLLC": true,
"yearFounded": 1999,
"businessRegistered": "NY",
"stateOfFormation": "NY",
"franchiseName": "Franchise #1",
"franchiseLegalName": "#1 Franchise",
"franchiseStartDate": 1999,
"sbaCode": "123",
"cityHQ": "Chicago",
"stateHQ": "IL",
"franchiseDataImportDate": "2019-09-06",
"franchiseDataFinancialPeriod": 2019,
"historicalSuccessRate": 130,
"systemSupportAndExpenseCommitment": 75,
"resaleActivityLevel": 25,
"mngmtExperienceStability": 35,
"averageUnitRevenueGrowth": 60,
"prospectScreening": 30,
"unitEconomics": 70,
"franchiseAgreementAssessment": 15,
"franchiseeRelationship": 30,
"projectedUnitSuccess": 200,
"recurringRevenueSelfSufficiency": 50,
"totalFundScore": 750,
"finStatementStrength": 25,
"franchisedUnits": 100,
"minInitial": 258625,
"maxInitial": 1609500,
"avgInitial": 602350,
"companyOwnedUnits": 53,
"projectedOpenings": 12,
"compoundAnnualUnitGrowthRate": 91,
"compoundedUnitSuccessRate": 0.96,
"experianDBT": 5,
"ansoniaCreditRating": "3071K-8",
"ansoniaRiskScore": 95,
"creditLogicScore": 58,
"dbViabilityRating": "",
"lastReportRun": "2019-06-07",
"bankruptciesCount": 0,
"collectionsCount": 0,
"judgmentsCount": 0,
"chargeOffsCount": 0,
"liensCount": 0,
"nsfChecksCount": 0,
"dataDepthScore": 0
"id": 4213102,
"name": "Smith, John",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"userDefinedFields": {
"User Defined Field 1": "Value 1",
"User Defined Field 2": "Value 2"
"creditScore": 650,
"addresses": [
"line1": "456 Circle St",
"line2": "Apt 4B",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": "00101",
"country": "US",
"addressType": "primary"
"phoneNumbers": [
"type": "mobile",
"number": "(999)999-9999"
"type": "person",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"isDeleted": false,
"uniqueIdentifier": "746313",
"restricted": false,
"checkingBalance": 15000,
"savingsBalance": 100000,
"cDsBalance": 50000,
"averageChecking": 14500,
"averageSavings": 125000,
"averageCDs": 60000,
"citizenshipStatus": "usCitizen",
"maritalStatus": "legallySeparated",
"isActiveMiltaryDuty": true,
"isDependentOfActiveMiltaryDuty": false,
"civDescription": "",
"numberOfYearsEmployed": 0,
"idDescription": "Passport",
"idNumber": "111111",
"idIssueDate": "2014-01-02",
"idExpirationDate": "2024-01-02",
"idIssuingAuthority": "",
"loanOfficer": "Test Loan Officer",
"loanOfficerId": 438323,
"loanAdministrator": "Test Loan Admin",
"equifaxCreditScore": 670,
"equifaxCreditScoreDate": "2018-04-05",
"experianCreditScore": 700,
"experianCreditScoreDate": "2019-05-06",
"transunionCreditScore": 750,
"transunionCreditScoreDate": "2019-06-07",
"ficoSbssCreditScore": 720,
"ficoSbssCreditScoreDate": "2019-06-08",
"bankruptcies": "0",
"dateOfLastBankruptcy": "",
"historical30DayDelinquencies": "2",
"historical60DayDelinquencies": "1",
"historical90DayDelinquencies": "0",
"historicalOtherDelinquencies": "0",
"currentMortgagePastDue": "0",
"currentInstallmentPastDue": "0",
"currentAutoPastDue": "90",
"currentEducationPastDue": "0",
"currentOpenPastDue": "0",
"currentRevolvingPastDue": "100",
"currentOtherPastDue": "0",
"currentTotalPastDue": "0",
"entryMethod": "operatingCompany",
"yearFounded": 0
"id": 45123997,
"name": "Example Farm",
"userDefinedFields": {
"User Defined Field 1": "Value 1",
"User Defined Field 2": "Value 2"
"creditScore": 98,
"businessType": "soleProp",
"dnbScore": "567",
"addresses": [
"line1": "964 Meadow Ave",
"line2": "",
"city": "Seattle",
"state": "WA",
"postalCode": "90541",
"country": "US",
"addressType": "primary"
"phoneNumbers": [
"type": "primary",
"number": "(999)999-9999"
"type": "farm",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"industryCode": "99999",
"isDeleted": false,
"restricted": false,
"checkingBalance": 15000,
"savingsBalance": 100000,
"cDsBalance": 50000,
"averageChecking": 14500,
"averageSavings": 125000,
"averageCDs": 60000,
"numberOfYearsEmployed": 0,
"msa": 16980,
"stateCode": 12,
"countyCode": "123",
"tractCode": "33433",
"longitude": -87.656376,
"latitude": 41.94763,
"medianHouseholdIncome": 107250,
"metropolitanDivision": "Chicago-Naperville-Evanston, IL",
"metropolitanDivisionCode": "1234242",
"loanOfficerId": 438332,
"ficoSbssCreditScore": 450,
"ficoSbssCreditScoreDate": "2019-06-09",
"entryMethod": "operatingCompany",
"professionalLLC": false,
"yearFounded": 0,
"farmRegistered": "MI",
"franchiseName": "Franchise #1",
"franchiseLegalName": "#1 Franchise",
"franchiseStartDate": 1999,
"sbaCode": "123",
"cityHQ": "Chicago",
"stateHQ": "IL",
"franchiseDataImportDate": "2019-09-06",
"franchiseDataFinancialPeriod": 2019,
"historicalSuccessRate": 130,
"systemSupportAndExpenseCommitment": 75,
"resaleActivityLevel": 25,
"mngmtExperienceStability": 35,
"averageUnitRevenueGrowth": 60,
"prospectScreening": 30,
"unitEconomics": 70,
"franchiseAgreementAssessment": 15,
"franchiseeRelationship": 30,
"projectedUnitSuccess": 200,
"recurringRevenueSelfSufficiency": 50,
"totalFundScore": 750,
"finStatementStrength": 25,
"franchisedUnits": 100,
"minInitial": 258625,
"maxInitial": 1609500,
"avgInitial": 602350,
"companyOwnedUnits": 53,
"projectedOpenings": 12,
"compoundAnnualUnitGrowthRate": 91,
"compoundedUnitSuccessRate": 0.96,
"experianDBT": 5,
"ansoniaCreditRating": "3071K-8",
"ansoniaRiskScore": 95,
"creditLogicScore": 58,
"dbViabilityRating": "",
"lastReportRun": "2019-06-07",
"bankruptciesCount": 0,
"collectionsCount": 0,
"judgmentsCount": 0,
"chargeOffsCount": 0,
"liensCount": 0,
"nsfChecksCount": 0,
"dataDepthScore": 0
Select related loans (optional)
GET /v1/portfolio-loans
and GET /v1/proposed-loans
are used to retrieve valid portfolio and proposed loan ids. You should target your API request to retrieve loans related to the customer by adding customerId as a query parameter : GET /v1/portfolio-loans?customerId=112
or GET /v1/customerId=112
Sample Response:
"items": [
"id": 70517135,
"loanNumber": "112222",
"name": "New Loan",
"customerId": 99149139,
"currentBalance": 0,
"unamortizedPremium": 0,
"bookBalance": 0,
"riskRating": 0,
"paymentAmount": 0,
"paymentFrequency": "monthly",
"paymentType": "fixedPayment",
"loanOfficerId": null,
"interestRate": 0,
"floorRate": 0,
"ceilingRate": 0,
"indexRateDescription": null,
"spread": 0,
"indexRate": 0,
"callCode": "",
"collateralCode": "",
"loanTypeCode": "",
"productCode": "",
"purposeCode": "",
"industryCode": "",
"nonAccrual": false,
"nonAccrualDate": null,
"troubledDebtRestructure": false,
"troubledDebtRestructureDate": null,
"defaultStartDate": null,
"adjustableInterestRate": false,
"timesPastDue3060": 0,
"timesPastDue6090": 0,
"timesPastDue90Plus": 0,
"daysCurrentlyPastDue": 0,
"chargedOffAmount": 0,
"amountPastDue": 0,
"prepaymentPenalty": false,
"remainingTermInMonths": 0,
"dayCountConvention": null,
"amortizedOver": null,
"currentAvailableCredit": 0,
"maturityDate": null,
"netDeferredFeesOrCosts": 0,
"totalFees": 0,
"expectedUtilizationRate": 0,
"upfrontFee": 0,
"annualFee": 0,
"unusedCommitmentFee": 0,
"originationExpenses": 0,
"overheadExpenses": 0,
"servicingExpenses": 0,
"accruedInterest": 0,
"originalLoanAmount": 0,
"originationDate": null,
"originalTermInMonths": 0,
"renewalDate": null,
"governmentGuaranteed": false,
"governmentGuaranteedPercent": 0,
"governmentGuaranteedBalance": 0,
"watchList": false,
"points": 0,
"refinance": false,
"latestPaymentDate": null,
"loanToValueRatio": 0,
"isDeleted": false,
"isGuidanceLineOfCredit": null,
"bankCodeBranch": "",
"accountType": null,
"parentLoansId": null,
"withheldAmount": null,
"userDefinedString1": "",
"userDefinedString2": "",
"userDefinedString3": "",
"userDefinedString4": "",
"userDefinedString5": "",
"userDefinedString6": "",
"userDefinedString7": "",
"userDefinedString8": "",
"userDefinedString9": "",
"userDefinedString10": "",
"userDefinedString11": "",
"userDefinedString12": "",
"userDefinedString13": "",
"userDefinedString14": "",
"userDefinedString15": "",
"userDefinedString16": "",
"userDefinedString17": "",
"userDefinedString18": "",
"userDefinedString19": "",
"userDefinedString20": "",
"userDefinedNumber1": 0,
"userDefinedNumber2": 0,
"userDefinedNumber3": 0,
"userDefinedNumber4": 0,
"userDefinedNumber5": 0,
"userDefinedNumber6": 0,
"userDefinedNumber7": 0,
"userDefinedNumber8": 0,
"userDefinedNumber9": 0,
"userDefinedNumber10": 0,
"userDefinedNumber11": 0,
"userDefinedNumber12": 0,
"userDefinedNumber13": 0,
"userDefinedNumber14": 0,
"userDefinedNumber15": 0,
"userDefinedNumber16": 0,
"userDefinedNumber17": 0,
"userDefinedNumber18": 0,
"userDefinedNumber19": 0,
"userDefinedNumber20": 0,
"userDefinedDate1": null,
"userDefinedDate2": null,
"userDefinedDate3": null,
"userDefinedDate4": null,
"userDefinedDate5": null,
"userDefinedDate6": null,
"userDefinedDate7": null,
"userDefinedDate8": null,
"userDefinedDate9": null,
"userDefinedDate10": null,
"userDefinedFields": null
Select related deposits (optional)
GET /v1/deposits
is used to retrieve valid deposit ids. You should target your API request to retrieve deposits related to the customer by adding customerId as a query parameter :GET /v1/deposits?customerId=112
"items": [
"id": 604501681,
"accountNumber": "123",
"customerId": 99149139,
"type": "Checking",
"balance": 33222,
"interestRate": 0.0005,
"annualFees": 0,
"originationDate": null,
"maturityDate": null,
"isDeleted": false,
"branchBankCodeId": null,
"userDefinedFields": null
Select appropriate Workflow Template
GET /v1/workflow-templates
is used to retrieve the available workflow templates in your account. You will need a valid workflow template id to start a workflow.
Sample response:
"items": [
"id": 11073,
"name": "Annual Review - Initial Version",
"isPublished": true
"id": 11074,
"name": "Origination - Docs Asked for in Loan App - Initial Version",
"isPublished": true
"id": 11075,
"name": "Origination - Docs Not Asked for in Loan App - Initial Version",
"isPublished": true
Start Workflow
POST /v1/workflows/start
is used to start workflows. Making this API request starts a workflow just like you would start a workflow if clicking the start workflow button in the Sageworks Workflow product (see screenshot below). You will need to pass valid id's for customer, workflow template, deposit(s), loan(s), and workflow reason(s) retrieved in the previous API calls for a successful POST, as shown in the sample API Request Body below.
"name": "Loan Review",
"customerId": 12345,
"workflowTemplateId": 111,
"depositIds": [
"proposedLoanIds": [
"workflowReasonOptionsIds": [

Updated over 1 year ago